The following information on Ned Modrell was submitted by Richard Curtis from Nashville, TN to the NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database.
“In her book Old Burnside, Harriett Simpson Arnow notes that the lumber industry in the region gained widespread recognition when a record-sized poplar tree from Pumpkin Hollow won acclaim at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. The area was home to a steam-powered sawmill located along the Cumberland River on 10 acres of land sold to the mill company in 1857 by Ned Modrell.
Ned Modrell, a formerly enslaved man, purchased his freedom in 1847 and eventually acquired up to 500 acres of land in Pumpkin Hollow. His first acquisition in the area was through a joint land grant with Alex Colyer in 1847.
Ned Modrell passed away in Pulaski County, Kentucky, in 1892. His son later moved to Mt. Vernon, Kentucky, while his daughter became a schoolteacher in Louisville, Kentucky.
The enslaver Modrell family, who migrated to Missouri in the 1850s, sold Ned his freedom rather than taking him with them. Ned subsequently purchased land in the same area where the Modrell family had previously owned property. The Modrell family had originally come to Pulaski County through a Revolutionary War land grant and held various local government offices during the county’s early years.”
Pulaski County Deeds, v. 13:530
Know all men by these presents that I John Moodrill of Buckhanan Co Missouri for and in consideration of the sum of $600 paid to me by my Negro man Ned (a slave) the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge (I) emancipate and set free forever the said Ned who is a black man about 28 years of age weighs about 150 pounds and is about 5’10” high … from this date of deed to be absolutely free to act for himself as if free born and I do hereby release all claims th the said Ned and invest him with all the rights and freedom that I can vest lawfully …this 25th day of August 1847 John Modrell by James Gilmore. Wit by LD Cowan, James Frazier Wm M Fox. Presented in court and proven by witnesses to be the act of James Gilmore attorney in fact for John Modrell [Father of Ned Modrell = Jack Modrell ??]
Pulaski County Deeds, v. 10:346
Know all men by these presents that I Robert N(?)odrel of Pulaski Co Kentucky do … forever set at liberty set free and emancipate my negro man called Jack aged about thirty nine years, said negro is of dark color about 5’8″ or 9″ high and is forever hereafter to be free from my control and is in all respects a free man. . . . this 17th day of September 1839 signed. Presented at county court 17 September 1839
Patent #: 09802
Grantee: Colyer, Alexander & Modrell, Ned
Grant Book & Pg.: 20 220
Acreage: 100
County: Pulaski
Water Course: Cumberland R.
Survey Name: Colyer, Alexander & Modrell, Ned
Survey Date: 4/29/1846
Grant Date: 7/1/1847
Copy of property deed entry provided by Richard Curtis. The original property deed book is located in the Pulaski County Clerk’s office.
“Modrell, Ned,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed January 16, 2025,